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We aim to honor Emily's memory by empowering hikers with the knowledge and resources they need to stay safe and enjoy their outdoor experiences to the fullest.

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The Pillars of Hiking Preparedness

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Check the weather on the day of the hike as you are getting ready to start. Weather at the top is not the same as at the bottom/start of the trail. Make sure to keep checking the forecast during the hike, because weather at the top of the mountain can be unpredictable and temperature can drop 30-50 degrees in a short time even in the summer!

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Dress in layers and bring extra warm clothing. Hypothermia can occur even in the summer when you are exposed to cold air, water, wind, or rain. Your body temperature can drop to a low level at temperatures of 50°F (10°C). Your body temperature can drop even if it is warmer than 10°C (50°F) if you are out in wet and windy weather.

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Course + Checkpoints

Bring a printed map with you. Do not rely on your electronic devices only. Electronics can shut down due to cold, or can be lost along the way or may not have cellular connection. Study the map before you leave and have a copy with you in case you get lost. Make sure to identify key checkpoints along the trail to help guide you.

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Bring a small compass and make sure to know the trail head or main road coordinates or direction before you leave.

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Hiking is beautiful and relaxing, but going alone is risky. Team up with someone and stay together. If you need to step off the trail for a bio-break, don't go far and make sure you can see your fellow hikers at all times so you don't get lost. Make sure you share your plans, location, and expected return time with others outside the hike.

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Packing List

  • Map

  • Compass

  • Warm Clothing

  • Sweater or Pile Jacket

  • Long Pants (wool or synthetic)

  • Hat (wool)

  • Emergency Blanket

  • Extra Food and Water

  • Flashlight or Headlamp

  • Matches or Firestarter

  • First Aid Kit

  • Repair Kit

  • Whistle

  • Rain and Wind Jacket

  • Pocket Knife​​


ADD for Above the Tree Line:

  • Crampons

  • Face Mask

  • Ice Axe

  • Goggles


ADD for Avalanche Terrain

  • Avalanche Transceiver

  • Avalanche Probe

  • Snow Shovel

  • Snowshoes


ADD for Winter Conditions

  • Extra-Warm Clothing

  • Insulated Parka

  • Mittens

  • Balaclava

  • Insulated Boots

  • Overmitts

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Other Helpful Websites

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Hypothermia is a serious and life threatening situation that can occur when our body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.


At the first signs of hypothermia, turn back. 


  1. Stage One **At the first signs, turn back**

    • Shivering​

    • Reduced Circulation

  2. Stage Two

    • Slow and Weak Pulse​

    • Slowed Breathing

    • Lack of Coordination

    • Irritability

    • Confusion

    • Sleepy Behavior

  3. Stage Three

    • Slow, Weak, or Absent Respiration​

    • Slow, Weak, or Absent Pulse

How to Spot Hypothermia
This information could save your life.

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Join the Hike to Save a Life

We are finishing Emily's remaining 48 peaks and would like you to join us. The Emily M. Sotelo Persistence & Safety Charitable Foundation proudly invites you to partner with us as we honor Emily and drive positive change as part of her legacy. 



Emily M. Sotelo Safety and Persistence Charitable Foundation © 2024

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